Adding And Subtracting Improper Fractions with Like Denominators
Fractions to Decimals
Adding fractions with unlike denominators - Level 1
Adding fractions with unlike denominators - Level 2
Adding fractions with unlike denominators multiple addends
Subtracting Fractions
Subtracting improper fractions
Subtracting mixed fractions
Adding And Subtracting Fractions
Adding And Subtracting Improper Fractions
Add and subtract fractions word problems
Problems with fractions
Problems with mixed fractions
Welcome to our Math Fractions page.
Here you will find our wide range of free Fraction Worksheets and resources which will help your child with their Fraction learning - from initial introduction through addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, and into fraction conversion to either decimals or percentages. There is also a variety of help pages teaching fraction definition, equivalent fractions, converting improper fractions, how to add and subtract fractions, how to convert fractions to decimals and percentages, how to simplify fractions, and more.
Check out our fraction riddles worksheets, or look at some of our many fraction resources.
Learning Fractions
Fractions is an area that many kids find hard to understand. One of the problems with fractions is that they have different meanings depending on the context.
For example, you can eat half an apple or cut an orange into fourths. But you can also put the number one-half on a number line, measure a line 3 1/2 cm long, or find a fourth of 24.
Once the concept of fractions as numbers and fractions as parts of a whole has been understood, your child will develop a sound understanding of fractions.
Usually, children start to learn fractions in the 2nd grade, understanding what a half is, finding halves on a number line, and finding half of numbers up to 20.
In the 3rd grade, children learn what fractions are, relate fractions to everyday objects and quantities, place different fractions on a number line, and work out unit fractions of numbers.
In the 4th grade, fraction study includes understanding equivalent fractions, understanding what a mixed number is, comparing two or more fractions, and converting fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions. Children also learn how to add and subtract fractions with like denominators.
In the 5th grade, children learn to add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers, multiply fractions by a whole number and mixed fractions, understand the relationship between fractions and division, know how to divide fractions and mixed fractions, and convert decimals to fractions.
By the end of the 6th grade, children are familiar with adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators. They know and can use equivalent fractions and multiply and divide fractions by whole numbers and mixed numbers. They can also convert decimals, fractions, and percentages.