Money Skills
Welcome to our Money page! Here you will find a wide range of free printable money worksheets and resources to help your child become more confident in counting, adding, and subtracting money. Check out our counting money worksheets, or have fun with our printable money riddles or games.Learning Money Skills
In Kindergarten, children will recognize and know the name and value of different coins and notes. They will also learn to count up different amounts of money.
In first grade, children can solve simple exercises with money, such as making an equal amount out of different coin combinations. By the end of this year, children will solve word problems involving money and use the $ and ¢ symbols appropriately.
By the end of the second grade, children will be able to solve problems with a price list where they need to calculate an amount and the change.
In third grade, children will be able to solve problems with a price list where they need to calculate the amount and the change.
Children can solve problems with money as a decimal number in fourth grade.